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Re: Sub Design


If you do find the data you seek on your sub wall thicknesses, and it is heavy
in math, I can offer my help with the math. I could use MATHCAD which you can
also use. I used it quite a bit in the design of my sub. I see by your
discussion that you are trying a 1 atmosphere or dry sub. How deep are you
planing for?

Martin's offer of the spreadsheet sounds good. I would be interested in
converting the equations to MATHCAD which would probably do the same thing but
would be easier to see the design equations. MATHCAD costs about $100.

Martin, are you familar with MATHCAD? I am not too familar with Lotus but I
have seen it used. I would be interested in the design process from an
intellectual viewpoint and perhaps make it easier for any others. I have a
feeling you put a lot of work into the spreadsheet which would be usful to

Have Fun,  

Ken Martindale