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Re: A couple of questions...

To:  swalinga@telusplanet.net (Sean Walinga)

In a message dated 98-02-06 23:58:26 EST, you write:

<< 4) Does anyone have any idea how batteries will react to subsurface
 pressure? If you were to send one down in an ambient pressure pod, how far
 would it go before implosion?


I assume you're talking about lead acid batteries?  The only inherent problem
in lead acid batteries is that they contain air.  In Cousteau's subs, he
enclosed the batteries in a battery box and filled the box with oil.  The top
of the battery box is molded plexiglass in an inverted funnel shape to vent
gasses.  The oil in the battery box floats on the water in the cells and
eliminates any air space.  Since oil and water are both virtually non-
compressable,  implosion will not occur.  The only concern remaining is to
vent explosive gases produced by the battery, especially during charging.
This arrangement is suitable even for deep diving.

To take a battery and simply 'plug' the cells is not wise because gassing can
cause the battery to explode, so how deep it goes before implosion is not the
major worry.

I'm looking forward to the discussions your questions will evoke....
