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Re: Sub Design

Hello Martin,

Thanks for sending the file. I do not have Lotus but I did try to look at it
with m/s word to no avail. I take it you have the ABS literature from which
you developed the spreadsheet. I would still find it interesting to put the
equations on MATHCAD but I cannot read the Lotus file. Microsoft Word came
back and said it wasn't formated as a Lotus file probably because your Lotus
is a later version that  my m/s word  won't recognize.

I can make MATHCAD print to m/s word as a doc file which may be easier for a
third party to utilize.

Thanks for your effort. 

Ken Martindale

PS Is the weather up there conducive to diving? Also, I am a Professional
Engineer ( Inactive) and can be classified as a "Techno Weenie". I hope you
can overlook that. Best wishes.