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Re: Sub Design

HUNTR2@aol.com wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Thanks for the input.  I've tried to get into the hull crush calculation site,
> but it doesn't seem to be working.  I know 1/2" is thick (I just saw that the
> Kittredge 350 is only 1/4") but many people talk about how risky using a
> propane tank is because it is thin.  It's all relative to how deep you want to
> go.   I'd like to over build and not wonder if I'm going to die of an instant
> migraine!!   The graphs are helpful but I need specific figures on my design.
> Looks like it's time for me to invest in the ABS standards book and/or visit
> the local college engineering dept.
> As always, any and all input is welcome.

I have a Lotus 123 spreadsheet (*.wk4) based on the ABS calculations that I'd be willing 
to share.  I don't really want to post it to the site because I'd probably run into 
copyright laws or something, but I'll send a copy as an e-mail attachment to anyone that 
wants it.

Martin Sanderse
The Ingenuity Group Inc.                 http://www.ingenuitygroup.com/~tigroup/
Professionals harnessing quantitative methods for effective management decisions.