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Re: etiquette


I've found myself doing this a number of times with other mail groups as
well. It's considered "good majorodomo configuration etiquette" to configure
the software mailer so it allows people to decide themselves who should be
on the "Reply To:" list, and in the interest of privacy, only return mail
to the original author by default.  This however, does end up with a number
of respondents forgetting that they have not included the LIST on the To:
header and thus their response only goes to the originator of the mail

The alternative is the opposite of the current problem, which is that people
forget they are sending mail to the entire list when they hit reply and intend
their message for a specific individual.  With some groups and issues, that
can be an extremely embaressing situation.

However, the list can be set up to auto-reply to the personal_submersibles
address.  Since this isn't a highly volatile group, the privacy issue may
not hold all that much importance in this case.

>From time -to-time I send or forward mail out the the group. Then I get
>a reply that really seems to me aimed at the group at large but is mailed
>back just to me.
>Please if you follow up to a mail and intend it for the group, don't just
>"reply" to the mail. Instead send your response to the group alias. Which is: