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Re: DEMA impressions (Fwd)

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Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998 18:24:55 EST
From: HUNTR2@aol.com
Subject: Re: DEMA impressions (Fwd)
To: Ray.Keefer@Ebay

Hi People
The underwater scooter mentioned I think is called the 10K HydroSpeeder.   Saw
a writeup in the California Diving News, Page 9.    Article says "it's built
for speed and maneuverability, the vehicle actually flies through the water.
Forward flight controls operate independently moving wings and independently
operated port and starboard motors provide the ability to perform any three-
dimensional flight maneuver, including banked turns or corkscrews through the
water column."    Sounds like a blast but I wonder how you corkscrew through
the water column and stay within the recomended save ascent rate?
info..... Contact Ted Ciamillo at (770-638-9222)    E-mail Mgcorp@aol.com
Ted owes me Now!

Gene Seus
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