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Re: Test


> often wondered if would truly be impossible to coordinate a group effort
> of building a sub.

Hmmmm. Let's see what it would take.

Design meetings where design details are worked out. Some meetings would
have to be in person (just no better way). That would require travel.
Other meetings and details can be worked my phone, e-mail and fax.

Work assignments. Does one person or site do all the work or would we part it
out? If we part it out then the design specifications and blue prints would
have to be done in detail. This would insure that the hatch Person A build
will indeed seal in the conning tower that Person B made. 

There would have to be one location for final assembly and test. Where would
that be?

Costs. Yes, splitting costs would make the whole project more economical to
everyone but how would we actually split it?  To be fair I think split it 
evenly then part the funds out to as needed to build each component.

Usage. This would be the big question. Does each person get to use it once
a month? Travel problems? Do we make it trailerable so the next person who
wants it can come and get it? Would we hang onto it for a month at a time? 
Six months? A year?

When it's my turn how do I know the last guy didn't over stress the hull? Or
kept the water up in the batteries? 


I can go on. I guess if we can form small local groups then group projects
could work. This is the reason I occasionally send out surveys to see where
who lives where. Just in case some of you are local enough to want to form

With us spread all over the world I can't see a full group project
having a chance of succeeding unless we form some kind of Foundation where
we all buy memberships but only a few actually do the work. Then there's the
usage problem again.
