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Re: Hydrogen [used in fuel cells]

On Mon, 20 Oct 1997 14:30:16 -0400 (EDT), Coast Guard Kiteman
<exfloridians@ecsu.campus.mci.net> wrote:

>         Quickie comment:  I'm in a bit of a rush (as usual, when I think of
> something to post), but in my net smurfing, I've come across some
> alternative energy/home power sites, including a magazine called
> 'home power' (or something like that).  Anyway, there was a blurb
> about a home<?>-built H2 storage system using hydride tanks which
> I presume is basically what you're talking about.

Nope, not at all. That is completely different technology. You can see
a good commercial example of that (hydride storage) at
http://www.powerball.net. They are nice, but don't provide much more
storage density than compressed H2 gas.

This new technology I was talking about uses carbon nanotubes, which
chemically holds the hydrogen molecules in a very dense pattern. We're
talking about a factor of 20 times greater density than current
