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Re: Hydrogen [used in fuel cells]

At 05:47 PM 10/20/1997 GMT, Jon Hylands wrote:
>There's some interesting new technology in the research labs right now
>with respect to Hydrogen fuel storage.
>There are a couple of articles of interest in the "Hydrogen & Fuel
>Cell Letter", which you can access by following the following two
>Basically, they've discovered a way to make a 25 litre (~6.5 gallons)
>tank hold enough hydrogen to run a car for about 5000 miles. The tank
>would weigh about 87 kg (~190 lbs).
>They estimate they will be able to mass-produce hydrogen "canisters"
>of this form for about $2/pound.
>A tank that size in a sub, with a 12V fuel cell, pulling 100 amps
>(1200 watts), could conceivably give a time-under of at least 100
>hours, which then moves the time-limiting technology to the amount of
>oxygen you can carry and the amount of CO2 you can remove.
>I think (assuming this research pans out, which looks likely) this
>bodes pretty well for the future of vehicles in general, and, in our
>case, personal submarines specifically.

        Quickie comment:  I'm in a bit of a rush (as usual, when I think of
something to post), but in my net smurfing, I've come across some
alternative energy/home power sites, including a magazine called
'home power' (or something like that).  Anyway, there was a blurb
about a home<?>-built H2 storage system using hydride tanks which
I presume is basically what you're talking about.


        Okay, I gotta go to work, but I went ahead and net smurfed a
couple of sites.  MAYBE one of these is it:




        Anyway, just keep following links and you'll come across it eventually.

        -Allan "CGK" Gaines
        North Carolina, USA

        [The Coast Guard never sleeps....      Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz   <g>]