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Re: Hello

> At 09:05 PM 10/6/1997 GMT, Jon Hylands wrote:  [with some stuff deleted...]
> >Costing is another thing I'm getting to. Some of it will depend on the
> >cost of the various components I will have to buy, like the canopy,
> >rebreather system, and the motor. There's a rebreather page on the web
> >where a home-built system is described, and it cost about $500 to
> >build. I assume the motor would be somewhere in the $500-1000 range.
> >The canopy I have absolutely no idea.
>         What's the rebreather page's address?
Actually, a rebreather is a bit of an overkill for a sub.  All you really
need is O2 flowing through a flow meter at the proper rate and then 
the cabin air through a CO2 scrubber which is nothing but a canister of
Sof-no-lime (Soda lime) to remove the CO2.  The hoses, counterlung, etc
of a rebreather are totally unnecessary.  Actually, for submersion times 
of less than an hour, you could probably get by with nothing at all.
On Kiteridge's early subs, he had no life support system, he just surfaced
periodically and popped the hatch to refresh the air in the sub!
Alan D. Secor
e-mail: secor@btv.ibm.com