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Re: my web page is up

Hi Guys,

for my two cents worth..... if someone wants credit for something they can
say so...I think most of us don't mind helping each other.

I think it would be ok to have a mail link or we could say for more info
contact majordomo at...... and have them go through the process of subscribing.


Pat Woodruff

At 03:09 PM 3/21/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Ray Keefer wrote:
>> > I wonder if we should allow people to send
>> > mail from the web page to the mail list as well...what do you all
think?  At
>> > least as a first step to joining the list?
>> I want to at least add the process to getting added to the listserver.
>Good idea.
>> What do the rest of you think? Should we add a mail feature to mail to the
>> list from the web page?
>Umm. well, looking at the comments we get from rec.boats.building, we could
spend a lot 
>of time on silly comments.  I have no problem dealing with those seriously
>but ansewring those "tell me all you know because I'm too lazy to do any
research" is a 
>nuisance.  At least if they go to the trouble of signing up we know it's
not totally 
>> > Ray, are you going to include the "contributors" section that Martin had on
>> > the page?
>> I am still fuzzy as to what this section does or is good for. An alternative
>> is to place on each sub page a note saying the information on this page
>> was contributed by this person.
>I put it there so no one's nose would be out of joint.  Ray's alternative
makes sense.  
>In the future if we have specific contibutions, like Jon's pressure
program, or a 
>technical FAQ I hope to get to some time, we could make links as long as we
make the 
>rule that the style and appearance should be consistent.
>> Actually I see any and all of us potentially contributing to each page. As
>> a result how do we properly give credit?
>Let's say that those who want to be credited can be if they specify how.
We can leave 
>to Tay the discretion as to it's suitability.   It seems that if Ray is
doing the work 
>of maintaining the thing, we've got to give him some power.
>What I've found useful on another page I coooperate on is to put the e-mail
"sendto" on 
>the page of the person taking care of that item.  They send me finished
HTML as e-mail 
>attachments for me to upload.  In one case where password protection and a
lot of work 
>was involved, the links go between sites seamlessly.