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Re: [Fwd: Re: submarines]


	I missed something. I was once considering 55 gallon oil drums
for a hull. If the milk tank is the right size, shape, thickness then it
might work fine for a shallow water sub.

Humor impared,

> From personal_submersibles-owner@whoweb.com  Wed Mar 19 12:00:25 1997
> X-Authentication-Warning: whoweb.com: majordom set sender to owner-Personal_Submersibles@whoweb.com using -f
> Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 14:35:36 -0500
> From: Martin Sanderse <sanderse@hotstar.net>
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> To: Personal_Submersibles Mailing List <Personal_Submersibles@whoweb.com>
> Subject: [Fwd: Re: submarines]
> Here's the reply to the guy with the milk tank.  it's hilarious!
> Martin