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[Fwd: Re: submarines]

Here's the reply to the guy with the milk tank.  it's hilarious!


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David Buchner <buchner@mega-com.com> wrote in article
> I'm looking for anyone who has built or is wanting to build small (dry)
> submersibles for some insane reason. Email is fine, responding to the
> is fine. Hey, a boat's a boat. What I'm wondering is how Minnesota's DNR
> is going to want to classify it when I go to get registration stickers.
> I've got a 200 gallon stainless steel milk tank so far. It floats. If I
> add about 950 pounds to it, it'll sink. Oh, and I have started a big
> collection of lead wheel balancing weights and I've got an old electric
> trolling motor.  ;-)

Have you ever considered getting a girl friend.....

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