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Re: web page

jon@zk3.dec.com wrote:
> >How soon can we get a web page going?
> Perhaps we could all contribute to it in some way?  I know I don't have time
> to do the whole thing, but if we all took parts of it and implemented a team
> approach we could probably get a nice page out of it rather quickly.
> What are we going to call it?
>         PSUBS of the World?
>         Personal Submersibles -
>                 Now you CAN go to the lake and watch the races
>         Official Web Page of the Personal Submersibles Discussion Group
> I think we need an animated gif of a submersible going down, and then blowing
> the tanks to rise.  Maybe a periscope popping up or something.

Well, let's see what the contributions are and we can add it as we go along.  Sooner or 
later I'm going to end up with not enough room on my server if we use a lot of graphics. 
 Would it fit on the WhoWeb server?  I think we need a committee of some sort to 
maintain consistency of format and so on.

I've done this with another page and a few contrbutors and it works fine, as long as 
there is a way to settle the inevitable misunderstandings that e-mail caused. WINTALK 
works fine.

Here's what I helped make:http://www.hotstar.net/~sanderse/intj/intj.htm

If that's a good enough result for a committee, there's no reason we can't do it for 

OK then, let's hear the suggestions and the contributions.  What I did was VERY rough 
and took about 1/2 hour, so I won't be the slightest bit offended if someone else comes 
up with criticisms, improvements, or contributions.

Consider it launched!  (or submerged)  :)


> Jon