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Progress Survey Results


	Some time ago I sent out a survey to see what the status/progress/state
of our collective progress toward owning/building/operating our own
Personal Submersibles.

	As promised I am rolling up the results of the survey. I got two
responses and one of those was mine.


Here are the results:

1. Progress:	
	Just an appealing idea:			1 yes
						1 no
	Thinking of it seriously:		2 yes
	Alloted money for it:			1 no
						1 what money?
	Collected design/techical/plans data:	1 working on it
						1 20 years worth
	Made my own design:			1 working on it
						1 2 designs substantially
	Purchased parts:			1 no
						1 some
	Built:					2 no
	Tested:					2 no
	Use:					2 no

2. Hold ups:
	Lack of information or plans:		1 I have enough to
						  start, want more 
						1 Lots available if you 
						  know where
	Lack of money:				2 yes
	Lack of assembly skill:			1 maybe
						1 no
	Lack of time:				1 no
						1 yes

3. Scuba skills:
	None:					1 not any longer
						1 snorkel - thats why 1 atm	
	Interested:				2 yes
	Beginner:				2 yes
	Advanced:				2 no
	Very experienced:			2 no

4. Interests:
	Human powered:				1 yes, if really practical	
	One man sub:				2 if necessary
	Two man sub:				2 better
	> two man sub:				2 prefered, 4 man, take my
	All electric design:			2 simple, cheaper
	Diesel-electric:			2 prefered for range, not
						  as dependant on a 
						  support ship
	Depth:					1 300ft is ok
						1 350ft and 1200 ft designs
	Speed:					1 ?, up to x knots
						1 2, up to 4 knots  6 surface
	Hull form based on:
		surface performance:		2 no
		submerged performance:		2 yes, preference
		what ever the final shape 
		  comes out to be: 		1 yes
						1 ? don't understand

5. Goals:
	Windows to see out:			2 yes
	Deep depth:				2 no
	One-atmosphere:				2 prefered
	Ambient:				1 ok, limits depth and time
						1 NO!  Too cold!
	Diving platform:			1 yes, if have enough 
						  space for gear
						1 no
	Be able to take others:			2 yes
	Trailerable:				2 yes

5. Where located:
	State/Region:	1 San Jose, San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA				1 Lake Ontario, Brampton, Ontario, Canada

6. Where to use:
	Ocean:					1 yes
						1 no
	Fresh water:				2 yes