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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Cables V Linkage

Hi All,
Anyone got any thoughts on this?
Ive completed my aft motor bracket and assembly.  http://www.guernseysubmarine.com/Extended_files/Page13349.htm
Its ready to have the linkage attached BUT, i'm wondering if using a push\pull cable might be better.  A quick search of the interwinkle shows various types available.
I was going to make the linkage as per the plans except add a bell crank which would transfer the forward\backward motion of the bar to sideways motion and just move the arm that attached to the motor to the 0 degrees position.  This has the effect of fitting better into my environment and also reversing the steering otherwise (as per the plans) it would steer the wrong way around.
Anyone got any experience of using cables instead?  It might be neater, but would it be up to the job and not have any play?
Kind Regards