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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Design depth

Per ABS: Design Depth [is] The depth ... equivalent to the maximum pressure for which the underwater unit is designed and approved to operate...
Vance, to me it appears the ABS definition does not include the PLUS you cite below (correct?). 
In a message dated 12/10/2010 7:02:31 P.M. Central Standard Time, vbra676539@aol.com writes:
Design depth is your operating depth PLUS the percentage required for testing. It means the depth to which the pressure vessel may be taken repeatedly without incurring irrecoverable damage.
While I like your definition better or even the Navy definition, my whole point in the beginning was that it would be best if we were all subscribing to the same standard definitions and that ABS should be that standard.  When someone says, "The design depth of my sub is xxx," we would then know what he meant.
Unfortunately that goal is not completely achievable in a broad community, so my solution will be to state depth figures in context so there is no ambiguity.  However as always I've learned a thing or two from everyone's contributions.  Now I'm ready to move on and learn something else.  For what it's worth, this is how I've revised my labels:
Design Depth    300'  (aka Operating Depth)
Test depth        400'  (133%)
Failure depth    600' (calculated)
I may end up with a slightly deeper failure depth after all the math is done, but the other numbers will not change.