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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Lead Almost Success

Hi James
If you going to pour the molten lead on top of the solid lead its not going to look too good a couple of SS coach screws should keep it in place.What I done was to make the mould out of 6mm plate then tacked the steel insert (channel} in its position, checking the mould was level hanging from  chain with a scale attached from a gantry .Then melted the lead with LP gas / O2 torch(largest nozel)" in the mould" until I had the desired weight taking the weight of the tackle and mould into consideration .I made a fork like tool for removing all the impurities.I concentrated on keeping all the lead molten .Once the lead had set I cut the angled side of the mould(the bottom of the weight being the top of the mould)  and the tacks off .I used allmost 2 full cylinders of O2.They drop perfectly.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 5:31 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Lead Almost Success

Hi All,
After a couple of failed attempts, I managed to pour the first of my dropweights last weekend.  It took a while to setup, but in the end poured very well and i was really pleased with the results....until i weighed them.
They have come out a bit to light at 133lb. 
Its not the end of the world as the steel channel inserts are well embedded into the lead which was what i wanted, so i was going to add the extra lead needed to the top.
The question is if i pour the remaining 17lb of lead onto the top of the existing one, will it take to it? or should i put in some stainless screws with the heads sticking out for it to hold onto?
I didnt take into account the loss of material for the channel inserts, hence the lighter weights.
Pictures to follow.
Kind Regards