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[PSUBS-MAILIST] PSUBS Web Forums Proposal and Request for Idea's/Feedback.

Hi guys! I spoke to Jon a while ago about this a while ago (I think it is Jon who admins the mailing list here) … but since then I have started up my own web based forums to do with marine repairs/outboard motors etc etc…




And today I got the idea to add a PSUBS forum! to show whoever admin’s this mailing list (my memory is a bit fuzzy… over 6 months ago) what can be done..


Ill register a domain like psubsforums.com or something like that if the idea is a go… and point it at the forum server to make it easier for people to access… www.boat-shed.net points at the same server at the moment, so that might be easier to remember than the .com.au domain.. if the idea takes off… sub-shed.com or psubshed.com! J or a subdomain off the existing psubs.org domain! J whatever is available/wanted…


Jon I can give you admin access to those forums… so you can do what you want with it!  and you know who is a paying member etc etc… so the members only forum can be administered by whoever is responsible for that too, it’s a simple GUI web interface… not hard to figure out…  If paying members signed up to the forums with the same email address that they email the PSUBS members list with… the two lists could easily be cross referenced and verified..


I’ve only just set this server up and I’m still tweaking it… and it will be moved to a dedicated server hosted in the USA or Europe eventually… It might be a little slow to load because its hosted in Australia at the moment…


Let me know any input/feedback/idea’s/what you all think! J it would be a hell of a lot easier to keep track of what is being said with a proper web forum with categories etc etc… I’ve been a guest member here for over 2 years…. And I lost a stack of emails in a hard drive crash… but I still have an archive of emails from the PSUBS list back to the middle of last year! To have all this tech data/reference material on record in one place as a resource for anyone interested in building their own psub would be a good thing…  Saves questions being asked and answered multiple times too…


Pictures can be attached to the forum… so the members subs/projects pages on the website which are mostly out of date could be more easily kept up to date by the members themselves!!! i.e. less work for the psubs website admin.


Let me know what everyone thinks about this idea… And of course unless the PSUBS admin likes it… well.. It might have to stay an “unofficial” forum if that happens J





PS : I have integrated web forums INTO websites… www.picnicpointboatshed.com.au and www.tohatsuaustralia.com.au both have the same marine forum “Embedded” within their webpages… to give you an idea…


PPS: I don’t mind maintaining the server and moderating the forums… no cost… Unless the number of hits on the forums per week gets so large it starts effecting the couple of other websites I run from that server… It would have to be in excess of 1000 hits per week for that to happen! J well in excess of that…