You may be hard pressed to find a filling station for CNG.
I was looking in Calif. and a barely used 1/2 ton chev pick-up could be had
for $5k or so. The same truck in gasoline was $12K to $15K. ( under 30K miles,
no dents, etc. )
Soooo.......I did an extensive search on where I could fill-er-up with
Good luck on that !!!!
The San Francisco Bay Area with well over 3-1/2 million people has three
locations. All owned by Pacific Gas and Electric. Did I mention that fleet
vehicles ONLY are allowed to even ASK for a tank ?
VERY few places will sell to the public, and they are spaced so far apart
you just can't get there from here.
No wonder they're givin' the damn things away.
I love the idea of getting off Saudi oil, but the infrastructure just ain't
Even in Calif. that's all green and enviro, with tax breaks and grants,
lots of political hot air, there's no incentive to go that route.
T. Boone Pickens was pushing it for awhile and even he gave up. After
securing $Millions$ in leases.
Frank D.