Hello, all:
Nice to see Bruce Beasley getting some recognition
in the sub biz - he's an old friend and a real pioneer in monolithic acrylic
casting (he made the hulls for our 1000 meter sub 'Deep Rover' nearly 25 years
ago).Everbody currently involved in that sort of thick wall casting owes him
one! Coincidentally, he's an avid fan of Northwest Coast native art and I
apprenticed in that art form for a number of years - so we got on like old buds
right off the bat! Kind of ironic, a technical marvel of the time was taking
shape in front of us and Bruce and I were busy talking totemic art, form lines,
masks, etc. - an art form several thousand years old!
The 5 person, 1000 foot 'Curasub' hits the water in
Curacao, tomorrow. Jeff Heaton and Mike Reay are there to mother it - and teach
it toswim! More on this when the U/W pix come in!
Good luck at the convention! ( maybe we'll have to
host one in Curacao!)