Alec I think you need to find a new supplier. I think they are
pulling your chain.
In a message dated 7/9/2010 7:47:39 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Hi all,
I went to get visual inspections renewed on
Snoopy's tanks and discovered a new rule. It turns out that while the hydro is
good for 5 years, they won't do a new visual inspection on a tank with less
than 1 year of hydro to run, and four of my five tanks have 11 months of hydro
left. It takes them a month to do a hydro, they need to send the tanks off
someplace, and so Snoopy is tankless for the trip.
So… SOS! Vance, is there a local dive store in Ft
Pearce that I might rent some tanks off? I'd like to rent four tanks for
convention dive day.
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