Jim, My plan is to leave Tennessee on the 13th (Do not know at what time exactly) but will take my time and show up at Port Saint Lucie and Vance Bradley's place in time to drive and pick up two others at Palm Beach airport sometime around noon the next day. My drive should take 14 to 16 hours and I plan on taking my time and not pushing things. I will rest at stops if need be. Take things easy with your boat on the road. I too look forward to the meet and greet on Wednesday. My thoughts and prayers are out to all those traveling from afar such as Frank from california and the many such as yourself that come from up North. I pray for you all to have a safe uneventful trip. My presentation materials and tools have long been boxed for the trip. I have to spend the night tonight in a tent with my ten year old...I can already feel my back pains coming on! I am once again going to look over the intended route I will take as i have done many times before. See you all soon! David Bartsch Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2010 20:41:20 -0500 Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] convention From: kocpnt@tds.net To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org Hi David,
Just wondering what time you inted to leave/arrive at the convention? I'm planning on leaving either VERY early on Tuesday Morning or Late on Monday and expect to be there for the Wed evening gathering.
Best Regards,
Jim K The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. Get busy. |