Hi Daniel,
You are not comprehending this properly.
You will only experience the pressure of a 150ft scuba
dive or ambient sub dive.
You take your boat to 250ft where it's at your
maximum external pressure of
125psi (or maximum you would like it to
At that point you pressurize it from the inside " but not
to the ambient pressure
of the outside sea water".
You only pressurize it gradually, relative to the water
pressure increase above
the 125psi mark. This means that at the 400ft mark
internally you would see 150ft
of pressure but the hull would only be seeing the 125psi
it was seeing at the 250ft
mark as the internal pressure would counter the additional
external pressure.
People scuba dive to 150ft every day & most ambient
sub owners tout that their
subs are capable of going to 150ft.