Thanks everyone its exiting to get it in the water, I agree it
is very tough getting the weight right and buoyancy as far as surface stability
goes, lots of adding and subtracting here and submerge and learn all over again
but it is fun, I do see lots of things I would do different next time but that’s
always the way, working now on trying to reduce the weight of the whole sub so we
will have it back in the water tomorrow trying a few different configuration,
lucky I have a crane on board it makes it much easier to make all the changes,
I think my personal boat will be similar to bionic guppy I really like the look
Jim did you design it yourself or where there plans that you modified, I hope
to be able to do the deep water test in around 10 days it’s a little
tougher we have to steam 15 hours from Boston to find a 1000 foot deep hole, so
let’s see sea hunter get 6 gallons per mile, 165 miles so 990 gallons
each way, then beer after, all I can say is it’s much easier spending
someone else’s money . One question I have does anyone have a Jane’s that list
PRV2 in it Mike C said he thinks he does but he’s so busy I don’t
think he’s located it yet and if so would it be possible to photo
copy the info just for my records I would greatly appreciate it Hey and a thought for the next convention how about a submarine
poker run (-: or 100 meter speed runs surfaced and submerged ? Regards Brian V. Ryder CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any
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not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and
destroy all copies of the original message. From:
[] On Behalf Of Good
going, Brian and team. Congratulations. Vance -----Original Message----- Well a floats added some foam and removed some lead and it floats
with no leaks still lots of work to do Brian V. Ryder CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments,
is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential
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