David and
I will start charging batteries and filling air tanks and will test asap as the
lakes are ice free now and David's comms system is on its
Jon, It has been
a very long road to get to the point where some of these are going to actually
be deployed aboard submarines. Now that these will be submarine mounted, the
members themselves will run them thru the real paces we need and we will find
the true limitations of such a communications system.
This was designed and built not to outdo anything already on the market, but
to simply be a cheaper alternative to those not diving quite so deep and a bit
closer to shore. I really meant to say in my
earlier statement was that if this works well in salt water also, 35' in depth
would be a great first attempt at using them in a multiple transmitter
environment. Deeper results will be had once more dives are performed with
them aboard. I have done my best...I am now
going to rest a while and await results good or
David Bartsch > Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 11:32:32 -0400 >
From: jonw@psubs.org > To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org >
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] in-water testing session completed >
> > David, > > Thanks for your research and work on
this project. > > We still need open water testing in depths
approaching PSUB capability > since the shallow water likely set up
many reflections that either > helped or hindered the range. I would
concentrate further testing > efforts at finding someone who can
perform deep water (150-300 feet) > testing in open water. I have no
idea if the results will be better or > worse, but it seems like it is
data we should have for completeness. > The 420 feet horizontal
distance you reached exceeds the range of K-sub > operational limits,
so knowing how the unit operates at depth and with > an equal or
greater area of width (300 foot cube?) is important. I'm > not sure 35
feet of salt-water at the convention is an ideal test bed, > however it
will certainly be interesting to compare salt-water results > with this
unit to those I found with the pinger up in Maine. > >
Jon > > > > > > >
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