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[PSUBS-MAILIST] my optronic mast idea with sketch

Hi again,

I'd like to share my idea of a modern WWI periscope, see my sketch
attached to this mail.

The mast itself will not be based on hoisting in and out of the pressure
hull, but rather be a sort of pivoted jack-knife mast.

This is made possible because the only component that will be rotating
(azimuth) is the inner sleeve, denoted 'A' on the sketch.

This sleeve (A) will be rotated by means of an offset stepper motor
through a gear attached around the lower end of the said sleeve (A).

Two large diameter bearings within the annulus between the sleeve (A) and
the outer tubular mast, denoted 'B' on the sketch, will support and
stabilize the sleeve (A) and its upper, rotating optics assembly, denoted
'D' on the sketch.

The optics is only indicated by a simple mirror, although I plan to use
proper prisms.

The video camera, here denoted 'C' in the sketch, complete with remote
operated focus and zoom, will remain in a fixed position at all times.

As I said, it'll only be the sleeve (A) with its external optics that
rotates around the stationary camera.

The same sketch is also available through my ftp-server, ref


Best regards,
Jens Laland

Attachment: Rotating-Optics-WWI-Periscope.jpg
Description: JPEG image