I searched for and found schedule 80 stainless nipples at $57 each for the
1 inch dia. X 4 inch long. I need about 20 of them for the various thru-hulls.
That's about $1200. OUCH!!!!!!
I will either bite the bullet and buy those or maybe get my son-in-law to
machine some from some bar stock.
I have a local supplier of metal that has random pieces of all kinds of
stuff. I've been buying all my little pieces from them. I've found lots of round
stainless bar stock there from 2 inch dia. on down to 1/4 inch dia.
There's usually some scraps of tubing there too that fits over the SS bar
Currently their stainless stuff is $1.60 per pound. ( any shape ) If anyone
needs a random piece of something I'd be happy to check and see if it's there,
pick it up and send it to you.
Yesterday I found some 1" X 1" X 1/8" brass angle stock in the pile. I've
been searching on-line for a long time for that stuff.
I found enough to make the window retaining rings for my three windows. At
$2.48 per pound it came to $110 for the material. Now I need to get it rolled
into rings, weld on the brass tabs, and polish it up on the bench grinder. It
will add a nice touch to the sub, and kind of look like old school ship's port
Frank D.