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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] [Fwd: Celebrate the Trieste's 50th Anniversary with MTS

I thought about this one just to take a break from all the heartache at my house. It's a pretty expensive luncheon for me, however, as the commute is about 3000 miles. Also, I won't know many folks. Maybe Mike Stahle and Ty Merritt (ex-Perry both) will go. They were on the Trieste team. But mostly it will be a West Coast deal.
Sub ops were pretty clearly divided into military financing and commercial. That said, maybe Phil Nuytton will go. He travels in both circles. (No, I DID NOT say that he travels in circles). Early on, you were either military, Canadian or south Floridian (or immigrants to same). I was of the latter two types and working most of the time, so I didn't meet too many of those Pacific divers.
The luncheon started out as a DSPA event and has now been injected (appropriately, I think) with MTS steroids. That dive ranks up there on the solid brass pistachios scale with the first saturation divers, the Ben Franklin drift mission and even the first lunar landing. It was a huge accomplishment, only without all the parades that the astronauts got. I'd love to sit in again with Dr. Walsh and listen to the general BS and socializing. That's where you really get the lowdown on how it was.
Mind you, I'd probably trade the lunch for another shot at a Deepworker. Now that was fun!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: andy goldstein <andy.goldstein@videoray.com>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Mon, Jan 4, 2010 4:32 pm
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] [Fwd: Celebrate the Trieste's 50th Anniversary with MTS]

For anyone interested: 
The Marine Technology Society is hosting a celebration of the Trieste dive. 
It's in San Diego, CA. It's open to members and non-members. I think there will also be a special MTS Journal issue. 
Attached Message
From: Susan Branting <publications@mtsociety.org>
To: andy.goldstein@videoray.com
Subject: Celebrate the Trieste's 50th Anniversary with MTS
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 12:47:06 -0800

MTS is honored to recognize the accomplishments of the men
who engineered and piloted the bathyscaph Trieste on January 23, 1960.

Special Issue of the MTS Journal
Order the upcoming MTS Journal in hardback or paperback—Into the Trench: Celebrating the Golden Anniversary of Man’s Deepest Dive. Call (410) 884-5330 to order your copy today!
Commemorative Luncheon on the Day of the Dive
Join MTS emeritus member and retired U.S. Navy Capt. Don Walsh, who piloted the Trieste, Chief of the Boat John Michel and Capt. Charles Bishop, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, sponsor of the U.S. Navy’s acquisition and upgrade of the Trieste, for a luncheon sponsored by the MTS San Diego Section on January 23, exactly 50 years after the historic event. Displays will include blueprints, vintage photographs, actual components, and posters of new concept vehicles designed to once again enable humans to personally explore the trench floors.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Town and Country Resort and Convention Center
Regency Ballroom
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, California 92108
Tel: (619) 291-7131
Event Schedule
10:30: Event registration opens
11:00: Early bird reception in exhibits area (no host bar available)
12:00: Lunch served
12:45: Beginning of formal presentations and awards
2:00:   Reception in exhibits area
3:30:   Raffle of door prizes
4:00:   Conclusion of event
$50 per person (members and non-members)
Parking: $6 per car for luncheon guests; free to those staying at the hotel
Entree: Choice of Lemon-Caper Chicken or Vegetarian
Entrees include a selection of soup or salad, freshly baked rolls and butter, appropriate accompaniments, dessert and coffee or tea.
Luncheon RSVP
RSVP by close of business January 18.
You can pay by credit card or check.
Paying by Credit Card or PayPal
  1. Pay online with a credit card or PayPal. Please indicate entrée selection. If RSVPing for multiple guests, please RSVP as separate “Add to Cart” transactions by entrée selection, (e.g., 3 chicken; 1 vegetarian).
  2. For multiple reservations on one credit card, please e-mail just the name on the credit card as well as the names of guests you are paying for to Beth@SeaBotix.com.
Paying by Check
Please include your contact information, names of guests you are paying for and entrée selections.
c/o Beth Berkley
2877 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92106
Hotel Information
For guests traveling from out-of-town or those wishing to stay at the hotel, the Town and Country is offering a special rate of $89 per night for this weekend for MTS/Trieste guests. Make reservations at the
website or by calling (800) 772-8527 and mentioning the group “MTS/Trieste Deep Dive.”
Additional information
More information is at the MTS San Diego
website. For questions not answered on the website, please contact either Tony Dunn, (619) 583-9188 or Charlie MacVean, (619) 508-4401.

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