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Psub group,


My name is Bob and I have followed this group for about four years now. I want to thank everyone for all the information that I have learned so far.


I have started my K boat and I have a few questions that I haven't found answers for in the archives.


1)   Does anyone know where I can find the 36V motors? I have called a dozen places and searched on line and so far have come up empty. Are you using 36V motors or did you modify and switch. I see a number of people have used mikota motors but I was hoping to stay with the original design.


2)   Inside the battery pods, are the tray stationary (it looks like they are in the plans) and how do you get the batteries to the far end of the pod and then back out? What size of batteries are you using?


And the last question (so far) is for Dan H. In the photos of your batter pods, there is a third through-hull. Do you have this on both pods and what is the blue plate on each side?


Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


To date, I have my windows machined, most of my small parts fabricated and all the pieces for the batter pods, framing and pressure hull. I will keep the group updated on my progress.



