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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] dome hatch lift force

Thanks Sean,
Have printed out your email & will decipher it over the
comming days.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Sean T. Stevenson" <cast55@telus.net>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2009 1:59 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] dome hatch lift force

Just sum all of the forces acting on the dome. Examining the forces in the vertical direction only (since the horizontal forces will cancel), gives you the expression:

F (sum) = F1 (dome weight) + F2 (force from external water pressure) + F3 (buoyant force) + F4 (force from internal air pressure).

Assuming a sign convention of positive for the down direction, forces F3 and F4 above will be negative.

F1 [N] = m [kg] * g [m/s^2], where m is the mass of the acrylic dome, and g is 9.80665 m/s^2.

F2 [N] = P [Pa] * A [m^2], where P is the external water pressure and A is the projected area of the dome in the horizontal plane (i.e. pi * dome base radius^2).

P, as used in the above equation, may be calculated as follows:

P [Pa] = rho [kg/m^3] * g [m/s^2] * h [m], where rho is the water density (1000 kg/m^3 or 1025 kg/m^3 for fresh water or seawater, respectively), g is 9.80665 m/s^2, and h is the height of the water column above the base of the dome. Technically, you would need to add 1 atmosphere equivalent of pressure to this value of F2 (approximately 101 300 Pa) to get the absolute pressure acting on the dome, since the atmospheric air adds pressure over and above the water column weight; however, since you also have one atmosphere of pressure acting on the inside of the dome (assuming a one atmosphere submersible), the two forces cancel each other and need not be considered.

F3 [N] = V [m^3] * rho [kg/m^3] * g [m/s^2], where V is the volume of water displaced by the dome, rho is the water density, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.80665 m/s^2).

F4, as mentioned above, need not be considered if you disregarded the atmospheric pressure when calculating F2. If you do need to consider it (necessitating adding it to your calculation of F2), then:

F4 [N] = P [Pa] * A [m^2], where P is the internal pressure acting on the dome, and A is the projected area of the dome in the horizontal plane (i.e. pi * dome base radius^2). Calculating F4 (and adding 1 ATA to F2) will be necessary for an ambient pressure submersible, since the interior cabin pressure will be equal to the ambient water pressure at the cabin waterline, and thus greater than the ambient air pressure when the boat is surfaced.

Simply add up all of the forces, taking care to note that they all have correct signs (dome weight and force due to external pressure acting down, dome buoyancy and force due to internal pressure acting up), and the result is the net force acting on the dome.

Clear as mud?


Alan James wrote:
Thanks Sean,
What I'm after is just the lifting force of the acrylic dome
wich will be mounted in the hatch; to gauge what sought
of lifting pressure it will initially exert on the attachments
to the hatch.
I was looking at the weight of a column of water directly
above the dome & assuming that weight would be forcing
the dome on to the hatch & opposing the flotation in the
dome. However after playing round with stuff in the kitchen
sink & spa pool (at 3AM) I concluded I've got something wrong.
Regards Alan

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