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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Stiffiners on Heads

In a message dated 11/2/2009 12:56:35 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, cliffordredus@sbcglobal.net writes:
So theoretically there is some number of radial ribs that above this number, the head would reach a deeper max depth. 
Hi Cliff.
I understand a little better now the way the stress is applied on the heads. I saw the knuckle stiffeners on Carsten's post too. Lots to consider here before I fire up the torch and start wacking stuff out.
I wonder if increasing the hull thickness around the window sleeves and hatch would be of any use. I could add 1/2 inch plate to the exterior without cutting out the whole sleeve assemblies.
Because the head's "knuckle" area is the weak point it would be fairly easy to add a bunch of radial stiffener pieces to that area on the inside. Even if they were only 6 inches apart around the perimeter. Looking at the main window assembly with a more conservative eye, it now looks kinda weak to me. That's why I'm considering replacing the whole assemblies with thicker sleeves.
Frank D.