On electric versus hydraulic......there's an energy conversion factor there
If you convert on-board electrical power to hydraulic, then use the
hydraulic to create mechanical energy, ( spin the prop ) the friction loss and
heat generated makes the conversion less efficient than just running wires to
where you want the power.
Another thing to consider is the type and size of thru-hulls.
Hydraulics requires two open connectors for supply and return, while an
electrical thruster needs only one smaller thru-hull that's sealed
tight with epoxy. Remove the pump, reservoir tank, valves, lines, fittings,
hydraulic motor and you have a more efficient and simpler system where an
individual component can be replaced easily and quickly.
Controls are easier too, just a simple joy stick or in my case a dial on
the speed controller provides infinite adjustment from full on forward to full
on reverse. The speed controller that comes with the Minnkotas has the solid
state ramp-down/ramp-up built right in. Just plug and play. Replacement of a
blown controller should take all of about ten minutes. Spares are $129 each
making it possible to carry a couple inside the sub and nothing more than a
screw driver to switch one out.
Frank D.