Well I got to the water again. What a ride this has been.
Everything going smooth
nice and as expected, then oops.
This outing I had planned on neutral buoyancy, and
balance. Then some shallow dives
under power with positive buoyancy. Test the under water com
systems, basic
and just all around fun day.
First my poor old surface boat has another problem. I may have
broke a wrist pin
in the starboard engine. Looks like she is going to have to come
out of the water.
Well that just means no open water testing darn. Put RECON 1 in the
water and put her
on the bottom. To light in the bow. Neutral is good can put up with
it. Motor over to the
my slip and do the com testing. Can't get it to work. Seems like
the support boat set is
working but can not hear anything on the sub. Sorry David have to
go thru the wiring again.
Well so we are going out of the harbor to play in a little
deeper water. On the way out of the
harbor lose all power to main propulsion everything else is fine.
Ooops my poor little fish
boat had to tow me back to the lift and retire for the
Such is the life of a submadman.
I did however confirm my overall speed is what I was trying to get,
and that my control
surfaces are working well. Very good slow speed and quick reaction
times. My bow seems
to work on the surface and can handle some wave action with out too
much lift under higher
speed. She runs straight and true with hands of controls. Was
surprised that my horizontal
thruster had basically no affect under speed, but was pleased to
see it will turn on it's axes .
Was planning on a bunch of video but as the day was cut short, do
not have much. I will try
to put some together and post it. Just have to figure out how to
run this camera. O yeah and
I did launch my cute little float, and it works
One of the main things I have learned so far is the second sub will
be a lot easier than the first.