This accident comes up in interesting places. It was even brought up by Bruce Jones when I spoke to him, as what he considered proof all subs should be classed, or go home and cry about it. So I told him what I had learned about it, and sent the accident report to him, so he would know more about it. From the material I've read, on the Seaker 100, they had made up a pair of temperary large blown domes to put on the sub at a boat show, to help show and sell there sub design. The domes were either blown from or ended up being .25" thick acrylic domes. Then knowing full well that those domes were just for show, they went out and dived the sub manned. So don't use tempary parts, and test dive your sub unmanned first. So lets compare apples to apples here please. If I make a cardboard mock up model of my sub, and then go out and use it becuase I don't have the funds, and / or patience to build what I currently believe to be a strong sub design. Then I'm going to get really really really wet behind the ears. Regards, Szybowski |