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[PSUBS-MAILIST] 2Dive Submersible Article

I had seen this 2Dive Article a while back, and didn't get around to translating it until now.  There are some great pictures there as well.
UNDERWATER ABENTEUER Blubbern in the U-boat brand EigenbauVon Dambeck Holger and Sasha Klettke, Kiel
A naval architect Kieler lived a tinkerer's dream: He has explored the simplest way, a U-boat handicrafts - and now the underwater world of the Baltic and the Mediterranean Sea.
Neither license nor authorization he needed to kümmern.Der radio contact is available. Michael Henrik Schmelter logs off from the water, "Okay, we'll dive." The 43-year-old operated a small lever to the left of his seat to flood the buoyancy tanks on the outside of his submarine to.
The water of the Kiel Fjord always beats faster to the Plexiglas domes, after ten seconds, "2Dive" as Schmelter calls his submerged structure. >From land are still short a few bubbles seen. Then only a red floating buoy announces the position of "2Dive.
Inside, it feels like the car wash: while the weather is wet, you sit comfortably in the dry and watches. But unlike in the car wash will be in the U-boat after the dive brief bubbling quietly. The boat and its passengers are now part of the underwater world. Schmelter has what many would have liked: a private submarine, with which he can descend at any time. "2Dive" weighs around two tons. Taking out the lead weights, reduces the mass of one ton. Thus Schmelter can load the boat with the crane's trucks to transport virtually anywhere in the world and back to unload. The Kiel Fjord is the root area of 2Dive ", the boat but also Schippert twice off the coast of Croatia and one in Copenhagen.
Video: sac
Von Land aus sind noch kurz ein paar Luftblasen zu sehen. Dann verkündet nur noch eine rote Schwimm-Boje die Position von "2Dive".
Video: sacVon country are still short a few bubbles seen. Then only a red floating buoy announces the position of "2Dive.

U-Boot-Dock: Unter zwei großen Holzplatten hängt das U-Boot "2Dive" - befestigt an einem Holzsteg. Der Kieler Schiffbau-Ingenieur Michael Henrik Schmelter hat es selbst konstruiert und gebaut
U-Boat Dock: In two large panels hanging submarine 2Dive "- attached to a wooden footbridge. The Kiel shipbuilding engineer Michael Henrik Schmelter has designed and built it myself


Simple Navigation: An Bord des U-Bootes befinden sich nur wenige Instrumente: ein Sonar und ein kleiner Kompass

Simple navigation: On board the submarine are only a few tools: a sonar and a small compass


Startklar: Mit Elektrowinden lässt Schmelter das Boot ins Wasser...

Ready: With electric winches can lower the boat into the water ...


...und prüft die Anschlüsse. Bei den beiden grauen Kästen außen am gelben Rumpf handelt es sich um die Auftriebstanks, die zum Abtauchen geflutet werden

... and check the connections. In the two gray boxes on the outside of the yellow body is
The buoyancy tanks that are flooded to submerge.


Atemluft für den Notfall: "Ich glaube nicht, dass wir das brauchen werden, aber ich nehme das mal mit", sagt Schmelter
   Breathing air for an emergency: "I do not think that we will need it, but I'll take the time to install it., "said Schmelter 

Aufgetaucht: Der U-Boot-Bauer fährt mit "2Dive" zurück zum Steg. 2000 Arbeitsstunden hat Schmelter in seinen Traum investiert

Surfaced: The U-boat Bauer is returning with "2Dive" to the dock. 2000 Working has Schmelter invested in his dream


Kapitän Nemo: Das Unterwasserboot bei einer Tauchfahrt in Kroatien

Captain Nemo: The submarine during a dive in Croatia


Kristallklares Wasser: Im Mittelmeer ist die Sicht deutlich besser als in der Ostsee, weshalb Schmelter diese Gefilde bevorzugt

Crystal Clear Water: In the Mediterranean, the visibility is much better than in the Baltic Sea, which is why Schmelter these fields preferred

Foto PrivatTaucher: Im Notfall kann der U-Boot-Besatzung von außen geholfen werden - etwa indem ein Taucher Bleiballast entfernt und das Gefährt von allein auftaucht

Photo PrivatTaucher: In an emergency, can the U-boat crew will be helped from the outside - for example by from a diver Bleiballast and the vehicle by itself appears


Trockengelegt: "2Dive" wiegt rund zwei Tonnen, ohne die Bleigewichte unterhalb des Rumpfs ist es nur eine Tonne schwer

Drained: "2Dive weighs" about two tons, without the lead weights below the hull, it is only a ton of hard.