Greetings Subdudes,
I had seen the gas shocks that open the Subeo
Gemini sub's hatches that are in the free flooding area of the sub just under
the hatch fairings. But I didn't realize that the SEAmagines massive acrylic
hatch was lifted with 8 gas struts/shocks, until I read it on there spec sheet.
I had see the below picture many times, but thought is was just a rubber band
thing, and didn't really think it thru. Since the SEAmagine hatch is so
large, and so moves along way. They use two pairs of gas struts on each side.
One set will lift part way, at the same time as the others lift.
Pretty smart design, as I see it.
Here is a cool picture from Scott Cassell, I've been meaning to show your
guys for a while now. It show Scott in SCUBA gear, piloting the two place
Here is a good picture of the Gemini. But you can
not see the struts in this picture. I have a good picture of the hatches
open, on one of my Sub Stuff sort folders some place. So it's all over but the
" Modern Art is what happens
when painters stop looking at girls and persuade themselves that they have a better idea."
~ John Ciardi
Brent From: Brent Hartwig
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 4:48 AM
To: PSUBSorg
Antipodes/XPC15/PC-1501 Hi Cody, Nice to see ya come in out of the cold. ;} Your speaking of submerged stability here I figure. So when submerged your dealing with mostly the hinge weight. I wouldn't expect that to be to much unless you have one of those 3 ton spring hatches I've seen. ;} But yes if it made you list to one side, you could just shift some weight to the other side some place appropriate. The hinge Greg Cottrell worked up for the Great White K-250 out of mostly plastic is nice and light. I've put together a very small and light hinge means that uses the ball joints you see on the gas struts on car hatches, S101 and the Deepworker hatches. I'll also be using the full gas struts to lift my hatch like the deep worker hatches are from the inside. I've also seen them used on the exterior or the sub. Then I'll have a little spring system, that allows for the hatch to move down on the hinge side as the hydrostatic pressure increases. This will make my hatch hinge nice and quite when I open it. No clanking for me. Regards, Szybowski From: To: Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Antipodes/XPC15/PC-1501 Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 10:20:18 +0000 Brent, you would still have to compensate for the extra weight on the side. even if your pods are far out. you could simply do that by adding lead to the pod on the other side, as long as you maintain positive bouyancy. or you could put a hatch on eather side. that would fix that problem. Cody McMillan Marine Engineer 6046573770 From: To: Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Antipodes/XPC15/PC-1501 Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 03:08:59 -0700 I will have my side tanks out even further then that, so I could mount my hatch that way if I wished. I currently have a CT crash guard in the way of doing that, and I think I want my hinge in the back for the KLH-500. I just finished some FEA work on the acrylic cylinder for the new CT config. a few days ago. It looks like it's a tough beast. Regards, Szybowski To: Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Antipodes/XPC15/PC-1501 Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 19:36:15 -0400 From: That's Pete Hoffman on the right, and he is standing outboard on the port
MBT without effecting the trim overmuch, from the look of things. He's not a big
man, but the hatch off center and Pete off center combined tell me that the
Antibodes is pretty much rock solid on the surface.
-----Original Message----- From: Jay K. Jeffries <> To: Sent: Wed, Aug 26, 2009 7:22 pm Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Antipodes/XPC15/PC-1501 A hatch
opening to the side on a PSUB the size of a K-350 is probably not
feasible due to hanging all of that weight over on one side at height will
result in a severe list. And some loss of buoyancy will also occur as the opened
bottom ballast tanks burp.
Jay K. Jeffries
Andros Is., Bahamas
Save the whales,
collect the whole set.
On Behalf Of Steve McQueen Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 7:02 PM To: Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Antipodes/XPC15/PC-1501 Brent,
this is pretty much my CT minus the hatch. The CT bolts on so I guess you
can change the hinge position as desired. This is the first orientation to
the side I have seen. I was wondering how you could tell that the dogs can
be operated from the exterior?
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