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It looks like a updated S101 basic configuration. I think he would get a less distorted view with a cylinder conning tower then the cast spherical viewing CT, not to mention the cost. But since he's built the S101 and S102 along with many subs with domes. He would better know this then me.

Paul is very familiar with the new Li-ion batteries. Since he's installed them in the S201, and I had heard he was building the S202 and S203 with the same basic configuration.  So he could very easily go with the Li-ion batteries. But they are more expensive, so for production models, he might just make them a upgrade option from the lead acids like the AGM's.

When he was building AP6 Alicia, he had progress build pictures up on there site. I was able to find those pictures on the Way Back Machine web archive site. He has not done that since then, so I don't expect he will on the FC01. But if we ask him perhaps he would send use some.  It would be very nice to have Paul post on the list from time to time like Phil does. It looks and sounds like the design is still being developed. So there might not be any hardware to speak up yet. But with the rate that Paul and his crew have been working of late. I wouldn't be surprised if it was finished quickly. Especially since this sub is planned to be a much more basic design then what they have been doing lately.



From: ShellyDalg@aol.com
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 22:13:40 -0400
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] FCO1 KISS PSUB in the Works
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org

That's a very cool psub. I would expect them to be able to sell a few of those to the rich yacht based crowd.
Six knots submerged !!!! That's fast !  100 miles surface, 30 miles submerged.....I'd like to know what batteries they're using.
I think the general "boat" shape will make it attractive to a larger group than most small subs in use today.
They're building the hull now, sure hope we can see some pictures of the progress. I'm sure they won't put "working project" photos up on their site, but maybe we could get them to send us some as co-conspirators in a mad man's sport. Sure looks like a fun boat. Frank D.