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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] 2010 PSUBS Convention

Hi Frank, that's good news! I started last year with the idea of building a semi-dry sub, but living on a boat
sans garage, and no lathe or welder I decided on an ROV. I'm almost finished with the project and will
post pics in the near future. It is definitely an observation class rov with low light B/W video cam and
light array. Total build cost was around $ 300. It is limited to a 60' depth but I'm already planning the
next design evolution, to include a line cutter and greater depth capability. 
The earlier threads regarding safety is an important consideration. An ROV can be sent down to a
snagged sub  to help the sub crew work out a solution to a problem, or armed
with a line cutter can help free a sub. Unlike a diver, it has no bottom time limit, decomp
problems,and it doesn't get cold or hungry. Dive sites can be reconnoitered for u/w hazards or
obstructions before a sub or diver enters the water. ROVs and submersibles have been
working together in the offshore gas/oil industry and in scientific research for many years
with great success. Again,thanks for including the armchair (wannabe) sub pilots; )
Regards, Carlos
On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 2:55 PM, <ShellyDalg@aol.com> wrote:
Hi Carlos. Good to hear from an ROV guy. We need more of you in the club.
This year's convention in Vancouver British Columbia will include discussions for next year's ( 2010 ) location. Feel free to bring ROV subjects to the discussions here. Lots of interest in them by many guys. Frank D.