To all: The collision avoidance sonar is repaired and will be returned to Kyle on Monday! The 18 watt amplifier card was damaged during a short circuit accident. The initially installed fuse was too large to protect the electronics from damage. This has been fixed also. I think He said the next weekend He will attempting testing again. Following a successful test of this sonar, He has requested his system be upgraded to full communications status. This simple system will demonstrate that if only the listening capability is available, you will be far better equipped than running no passive sonar at all. Although this mishap took place while still setting up this system for its first series of tests, it does demonstrate the value of having someone within this submarine community to call upon in your moment of need. The more of these simple systems are deployed and used, the more individuals will become familiar in the operation and repair of these machines. You will not be without assistance months or years down the road. David Bartsch Express your personality in color! Preview and select themes for Hotmail®. Try it now. |