From my experience a floating trailer is not real practical. To get
it going down the road
decent and perform in the water, I feel is a little much. I have
known for a long time
Universal fits nothing.
I would think a better solution would be two vehicles. One could
trailer the sub and dock
(thingy) together and launch from a dedicated trailer. Just the
opinion of one, but have
done a lot of trailers.
In a message dated 6/22/2009 8:52:27 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Brian/Brent. All good ideas. Some are a little more complicated than
others. My focus has always been to keep it as simple as possible. Mostly
because if there's fewer parts involved, it's cheaper to build, easier to
repair and maintain, and simpler to operate. If I'm out some where far from
home on a dive trip ( like Mexico ? ) I want to be able to get parts and
stuff. Complicated things like speed controllers would need to be carried as
"spares" but it would be a real bummer to have to stop a diving trip because I
couldn't find a bearing or something for my trailer !!! Frank D.