Thanks for the info Brent. There's a hot dip plant near here and it must be
pretty large. I saw two sets of stairs that came from there and they were about
30 feet long and 5 feet wide, with 4X12 steel tube for side rails. These were
dipped and the coating looked real thick. I'm surprised at the cost. I would
have thought a couple thousand would be more likely, which is why I
never pursued the idea. I know the sub will still need epoxy coating, but a
hot dip might be nice. Gotta re-think that one.
I was talking to a plating company about chrome plating a few smaller parts
like motor mounts and nose cone piece, etcetera. Not so much for corrosion
resistance, just because I like chrome. It started to add up very quickly to
about $4K and it still doesn't add much protection against salt water. I think
I'll just paint the ones I've got, and plan on stainless replacements at a later
date. All these little parts bolt on so it won't be any trouble to make upgraded
replacements, and they might need a little re-design anyway once I see how this
thing performs.
Not much real progress lately, but I hope to start the ballast tanks
soon, and that's a big step in the right direction. Thanks again, Frank