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Thanks David and Alen. I've become very interested in the Humboldt squid we have here in the Monterey Bay, along with the large variety of other sea critters. One of my dream dives will be to get the sub into the Sea of Cortez off Baja, and do some lengthy video of the squid. I've always been fascinated by the large squid and octopi with all those arms, the large eyes, parrot beak, and obvious intelligence. A sub can give me the opportunity to stay down for several hours at a time and study the different aspects of their lives with much less wear and tear on me. I love to watch the creatures up close during my scuba forays, but the time restraints were always such a limiting factor. Hopefully the sub will be maneuverable enough to provide a platform for watching and filming some of the fantastic life that up until now has only been glimpsed for very short periods. Frank D.