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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] new sonar

Sorry David I was thinking sonar and pinging off oncomming objects. On reading again I see you're  picking up the sound.
When diving I listen before I surface, and can hear boats from a reasonable distance, so I think there would be merit in this
system. It's more difficult to determine direction of sound when underwater and your unit would do that better than a diver
could. I haven't given a lot of thought to collision on surfacing other than that I may have a dive flag on a pole or another
alternative is what Brent Shaws "dry dive" has, a camera on a periscope.
The offer sounds great, but I doubt wether I'll finish my sub before Christmas. Everything is taking
10 x longer than I thought. I would be interested in it at a later date. Can you post pictures with size when
you've finished the unit? I've gone off building an ambient after looking into it a bit more deeply, are you
still pursueing this?
regards Alan 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 4:04 PM
Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] new sonar

  I will chip in $80.00 and you match this. I will build one such system that you install aboard your boat for keeps. Then you can tell us all what you think....sound fair?
                                                                                                        David Bartsch

From: alanjames@xtra.co.nz
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] new sonar
Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 09:12:49 +1200

Hi David,
Maybe you could sell it to the French and British navy for thier nuclear submarines.
Two things; first if it was to avoid collision on the surface it would need a big range to detect a fizz boat zeroing in at 30 knots (15 meters per second ). The second is, is it any more advantageous than a depth sounder that you can pick up for the same price ?
regards Alan
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 9:17 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] new sonar

  I am in the process of developing a passive sonar that's primary purpose will be for collision avoidance.
  It will consist of a small electronic enclosure box with but a single amplification channel contained within. A single hyper sensitive passive hydrophone that is directional would be mounted facing forward. The output would be monitored by either headphones or a small dedicated wall mounted speaker.
  A power isolation switch, power present indicator light, gain and volume control level knobs will be all that will be needed to control this simple system. This enclosure will be quite small.
  Prior to surfacing, the submarine would make a complete circle so as to determine local surface traffic conditions. Once satisfied of the level of local activity, the submarine would proceed to a shallower depth or surface altogether.
  In that no outgoing communications will be involved in this system hence no voice transmitter, I am looking to be able to produce each unit for about $160.00. I would consider this a safety tool that should aid in making surfacing a bit less hairy.
  Anyone interested or have any thoughts on this one?
                                                                                                          David Bartsch

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