Hi Joe,
Welcome to the group, I've been on this blog since
August and feel like a "newbie" myself.
Two things I found invaluable were reading the
online book at psubs, Busbys "Manned Submersibles" and downloading the
free pressure design software "Under Pressure"
http://www.deepsea.com/tools.html ,
you have to download the seguel server first, there is a manual you can access.
There is also the ABS hull calculator on the psub sight. Any problems just post
an email. Good luck,
regards Alan
riginal Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 8:25 AM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Newbie
I am new to personal submersibles, design, building, etc. but find it
extremely fascinating and want to learn much more about it. I live in New
Orleans and although I have done my fair share of fishing and activity on the
surface of nearby lakes, rivers and the Gulf of Mexico, I have not spent any
real amount of time underwater. I appreciate you allowing me the opportunity
to read and learn about all of your projects and I look forward exploring on
my own someday.