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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Important PSUBS Info - Please Read

Combining and conglomerating questions/answers.

>Is this really necessary?????????????
>I don't see the need for changes...
>I'm not interested in a club here.
>The idea was to share what I can with folks who were interested.

There's no requirement to join, and in terms of discussion forums you aren't missing out on anything unless an interesting topic appears in a member-only list that you want to participate in. As noted earlier, non-members will have access to member-only archives to ensure information is distributed freely. Assuming you see an interesting topic on a members-only forum that you would like to participate in, you then have two options. One, join PSUBS so you can participate in that topic. Two, convince the member to bring the topic to the public mailing list so that you can interact with them.

In terms of sharing information with interested folks, there's nothing to stop non-members from starting advanced topics in the public mailing list and draw members there to discuss it instead of a members-only forum. Some members may opt-out of the public mailing list, but I'm guessing the majority will remain there so as not to miss anything interesting that pops up.

There are numerous people who have indicated that they are interested in a "club" or more formal organization, and have suggested the same for many years. I see this as just part of the normal growing process. Some people like to "belong" to something, have a membership card to show it, and just provide the financial support that membership dues provide. ASME has membership, MTS has membership, even the YMCA has membership. Membership binds you a bit closer to people who share the same interest that you do and can provide the "kickstart" they need to become more involved. For example, many people are members of the NRA, Sierra Club, Green Peace, and other similar organizations even though they don't have direct participation. But they believe in what the group stands for so they support the group with their membership.

As well, membership allows us to show more structure so we are taken more seriously by the industry as a whole (I know some of you don't care about this). It's really difficult to get a discount from a supplier for the "group", when the "group" is actually anyone who decides to visit the website. Without a "membership", any potential discount from a supplier is effectively a discount to the world and most suppliers already have a price schedule for the "world" which they call "retail".

>The only time I saw the need for "moderating" was to intervene in defusing a few heated discussions that cropped up over the years.
> Why the sudden need for exclusivity?

There are numerous people who feel the public list is too lax because there is too much non-sub "fluff", too many questions that get asked over and over again, or who simply want a place available for more targeted topics rather than "everything under one roof". This is a common theme I hear privately at most every convention. Some people like to use the public list as a spring-board to start new friendships and feel a little light-heartedness is appropriate. There are other people who are not interested in this type of interaction and want to discuss or read technical discussions only. In regards to discussion lists, rather than thinking of PSUBS membership as exclusionary, you can think of membership as the penalty for having your cake and eating it too. For those that want no-nonsense discussion with appropriate moderation that includes booting those who do not respect the intent of the list, it will cost them a membership fee.

> Is there some fiscal need for membership fee?

There's always a fiscal need for money. Membership fees will help cover the cost of conventions, and we may actually be able to provide a speakers fee if there is a professional speaker that we might want to talk to us. Perhaps we can invest in some technical projects by our members that look promising.

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