Hi Vance,
The hull is constructed right at this moment!. I build and a professional welder does the welding. Great team!!
I started last week and with a few days the heavy steel work20is done. The picture site will be updated soon.
We have to preheat thick steel here cos it is les than 5 C. inside..
Front viewport is 580 mm O.D @ 135 Deg.
Best regards, Emile
Alkmaar, the Netherlands
Hello from Florida. The weather here was 25C yesterday, but with a lot of wind. Not a good day for small submarines offshore, I'm afraid, so I have been writing about my version of the Kreideseesub. In my book, it is May and the sub is working on the seabed north of Iceland. And the weather is very nice, but cold. No one gets seasick in my book unless I say so!!!
I see the Kreideseesub hull components are built. How is the fabrication going? I am anxious to see the interior layout. What diameter is the forward viewport?
Hope all is well with you in Germany. Happy New Year. May it be a prosperous and successful one for you.
Best Regards,
The plan of my earlier mentioned project “Drebbel” chanced a little.
The owner of the divebase at lake Hemmoor wanted to have a sub.
Specs are pretty close to my earlier plans so Carsten and I made a agreement with him. We design and produce parts and the sub will be sold as a building kit.
We hope to launch in summer 2009.
Best regards, Emile van Essen
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