Thanks Frank & Jon, am proceeding with caution.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 6:26 PM
Hi Alan. A lot depends on how much ARC the dome has, and where "in-it" your head is. I don't have a dome on my sub but I've heard the view gets pretty distorted as the curve/arc gets tighter. My experience is with the dome window in the tank at Monterey Bay Aquarium. It's about 42 inches I think and is a 1/2 sphere. At that much arc, it's very hard to determine what's ahead and what's beside you. It's a trick your mind plays but when you get your head into the middle of the dome, It's no where near what's really there. Because it's a seamless view, your mind just takes it in as a picture ( the dome's not moving like it will in a sub) but when you step aside and look at the same place in the tank through a flat window......BIG difference.
Jim K has a nice big 39 inch dome but the curvature isn't that great, so I'd guess the distortion won't be too bad. Lots of guys have dome's on top of their K boats and will have better advice. Frank D.