Vance, Yes that was his motto, but he wasn’t using the all SS units
which now run ~$110. In reality it isn’t any more complicated then Brent’s and
has fewer moving parts with no O-rings to fall out. R/Jay R/Jay Respectfully, Jay K. Jeffries Andros Is., Bahamas As scarce as the truth is, the supply has always been in excess of
the demand. -Josh Billings From:
[] On Behalf Of Interesting, but
overcomplicated. On another note, I just remembered why John liked Bimpa. Use
them and pitch them. At <$20.00 apiece, it's a bargain. Brent & Vance, Thanks for taking the lead with the illustration of a MBT
valve. I have taken the liberty to play with the design some, see the 3
images at in the MBT
Vent Valve group. I believe if you have a FLICKR account, you can view the
images at a higher resolution. Some thoughts: 1.
Want to minimize number of moving parts 2.
Want to minimize the number of hinge points 3.
Want to mount the complete valve assembly on the tank surface so that if
there is give between the hull and the tank surface, closing tolerances and
alignment will not be affected. 4.
Want seating surfaces to mate square on to insure complete closing of
valve 5.
Seating surface material should be above the valve disk so sand or other
matter doesn’t settle on it and allow air to leak 6.
Seating material should be a soft elastic material 7.
Operating cylinder should fail in the valve closed position (some
cylinders have springs installed and air pressure operates against the spring
below the piston, not sure if Bimba has this capability) Bimba cylinders, 3-D models in various formats are available
on their web site: R/Jay Respectfully, Jay K. Jeffries Andros Is., Bahamas As scarce as the truth is, the supply has always been in excess of
the demand. -Josh Billings |