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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] k-350 Modifications

Hi Scott,
Congratulations, in about a month.  Building a sub is a great project.  Plan to spend some time doing it.  If you get frustrated, put it aside, but don't forget to get back to it.  To many get started and not finished.  Think long term and you'll have a sub. 
I built a two man K-350 "Persistence."   There are plans for a short one person version and the two person version.  The two person version has a hull tube that is six feet long and then another foot for each end cap making the pressure hull eight feet long in total. 
If your building the two person version, I would move the battery pods aft six inches to a foot.  Study the plans to see what else this will effect but as it is, most of my internal weights are located far aft to trim to level. You could also lengthen the battery pods by one battery.  If I take a second person with me, they usually prefer to lay on the deck under my seat.  This puts their nose right up to the forward viewport, which is a great view, but it makes the sub nose heavy. 
Enclosing the MBT's is a good idea.  Mine are enclosed far more then the original and they work great.  Just be careful not to enclose to much so if one tank got filled with air accidentally, you aren't totally nose up or down.  If that happens you may not be able to blow the lower tank.  A few holes drilled at the end should work.
The K sub plans don't give a clear idea of the size of the MBT's.  I gauged mine by the size of the frame that supports them.  Now I think my forward tank could be a bit bigger.
Another thing I'd change is, put your MBT vent valves right on top of the tanks and run linkage to the conning tower or where ever. Don't put those two valves in the conning tower then run lines to them.  They take to long to vent and sometimes they get air locked when water is caught in the line. 
Depending on how and where you plan to launch your sub you may want to consider saddle tanks also.  Launching from the trailer I have it takes five feet of water to launch my sub.  If I had saddle tanks that could get the sub up a but higher, it would be easier launching from shallow boat launches.  As it is, there are many boat launches I can't use.  My sub's water line is right at the lowest part of the weld that transitions the conning tower to the hull.
No need to lower the conning tower.  When the sub is surfaced, you can't lay it over enough to take on water if you try.  It's pretty stable but you sure don't want to be lower to the water and take in a wave.  Don't change that.
Maybe a bigger front viewport would be nice, but your getting into a big structural change there. 
Just my thought.
Good luck, Dan H.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 1:57 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] k-350 Modifications

I am going to start my k-350 here in about a month. We are pretty close to being prepped for the project. I would like to ask everyone for suggestions from previous experience about what modifications to the k-350 you all would have done if you could have gone back and done it again to improve the use and cost of production. I am pretty sure I am going to make the con tower a little bit shorter to reduce the above water weight while surfaced and to make the sub a little more stable. I have heard making an enclosed ballast is better to reduce settling. I have also heard rumors about using trawling motors instead of thrusters. Suggestions?
Scott Waters 

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